Top 5 Certifications you must do in 2022

Welcome everyone!

This blog is all about free certification courses from Eduonix (all links in the end of the blog) that you absolutely need to pursue right now all of these courses are completely free and don't worry you won't be required to pay any registration amount either so without further ado let's dive in number one Linux from scratch look around folks your phone your laptop your car your refrigerator everything is in some way or other powered by Linux this operating system helps facilitate communication between your hardware and your software it has truly revolutionized the way computers work the best way is that not only this course but even the Linux software is free to download and use now you can practice all you want even after you receive your Linux Certification with 20 amazing lectures and four hours of fruitful content this course will cover a detailed discussion about Linux all about open source installing Linux using ubuntu understanding your desktop environment web browsers and multimedia command line operations file management customizing Linux to your needs and by the end of this course you'll be able to design apps design websites create software and understand the complete functionality of  Linux mastering Linux will really pump up your resume and if you are learning it for the first time this course will help you understand everything from scratch number two ruby on rails with amazing projects.

If you are a fan of Ruby on Rails now is the perfect time to expand your skills even further by working on some really cool projects with the help of the ror framework the entire course is primarily taught in Linux you can even go ahead and use any virtual OS if that's what you prefer this course has around 55 lectures with 13 hours of wholesome content let's have a look at all the fun projects that we'll be working on first we will start with creating a bookstore in this project we will brush up your ror skills by helping you install rails and mice equal we'll then build our store step by step  adding  controllers views and models after this we will be building an image gallery wherein we will dive deep into professional rail development methodologies after mastering the optimal image storage and retrieval mechanism we will be building a sleek and functional image gallery third project involves building a shopping cart no one can ever claim to have mastered ruby on rails without knowing how to build a shopping cart since the onset of this pandemic people are buying pretty much everything online so learning to build an online store is going to be super beneficial for you our last project in this course is building a content management system this is the most complex project of this course and it will help you build any commercial application in the future it combines most of the skills in ror and will serve as a great revision project you can safely call yourself the rails ninja after completing this course and after working on so many practical projects any future ror assignment would be a cakewalk for you number three projects in JavaScript and jQuery an abundance of knowledge about JavaScript and jQuery is packed in this super fun and practical course it is no surprise that JavaScript is the world's most popular programming language and jQuery has been creating a place for itself too  you will be learning the ins and outs of these two technologies by building 10 exciting projects this certification course has around 50 lectures and 9 power packed hours of content do you think that you can complete this course in one sitting if you're up to the task let us know in the comments below let's have a look at the projects we will be covering in this course a JavaScript quiz a jQuery content slider a YouTube search engine an faq according slider and ajax php shout box an apple style thumb slider a jQuery plugin a jQuery portfolio gallery a jQuery mobile app and a tic tac toe game that was a huge list there.

This course you will be considered a true industry professional number four cloud computing from scratch we can all agree that Cloud Computing is taking over the digital infrastructure of a lot of companies its unique paradigm has brought about a lot of new opportunities for developers and if you're interested in this technology this is a great quick beginners course for a quick dive into cloud computing it has nine compact lectures with over two hours of content all it will take for you to complete this course is just to skip one Netflix movie let's see what it all covers introduction to cloud computing Linux and the cloud operating system service models amazon AWS ec2 red hat open shift google cloud compute virtualization architecture and virtualization examples and let's move on to number five our programming for beginners if you are someone who deals with big data you must be aware of how difficult it is to handle tons of statistical data thankfully our programming is the savior it is an open source free language which provides a range of statistical and graphical techniques including linear and non-linear modeling classical statistical tests time series analysis and many more fancy techniques to make the data handling process far easier it also simplifies the process of creating mathematical symbols and formulae wherever required if you plan to enter the field of data science getting this certification will be really helpful this course has 20 lectures with around three hours of content in this course you will be covering what the r language is and how to install it in your system r's relationship with math vectors arrays and matrices how to handle data in R by creating lists data frames functions and dealing with strings and factors how to control flow and r with looping programs importing and exporting data into and out of R how to use and update date and time functions how to handle packages install them and maintain them and how to generate graphs with so much information packed in a single quick course this one is a really good catch for all the big data lovers.

1. Linux from Scratch

2. Ruby in Rails

3. Projects in JS and jQuery

4. Cloud Computing from Scratch

5. R Programming for Beginners
